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Our Prices

At ALYS&MARTIN we know that no matter the size of your organization, data is important. That's why we offer custom plans specific to your needs, and offer three different types of plans.

Business Meeting
Business Meeting


Tailored to your organizational needs, this contract is ideal for large and medium-size companies with large volumes of data and complex requirements. 

This allows us to have the time to thoroughly explore and transform your data.



Tailored to your organizational needs, this contract is ideal for small and start up companies. 

It allows us to have the time to thoroughly transform your data, while also giving your business more flexibility.

IT Consulting
Business Meeting


Tailored to your organizational needs, this contract is ideal for companies who have a data process in place but are struggling in one area, such as reporting or transformations. 

We are able to provide a set amount of time as required, in interim periods.

We can also provide long and short term one-on-one services with the specific consultant needed. 

Can't find a suitable plan?

Contact us directly and discuss other solutions we can provide.

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